Saturday 3 January 2015

There's Only One Digger Bongo

In my 'Christmas Post' I hinted at the stories I'm going to be releasing in 2015. Here's a bit more news.

The next four stories I'm going to publish will be for 8-12 year olds. The first three will be about the Bongo family, each one short, telling a story about one of the children. First out of the blocks - probably - will be the 4th child, Digger. Here he is, courtesy of artist Damien Hazell - who is designing the cover art for all four of the children's stories.

The fourth book is a full length children's novel, featuring entirely different characters, and kind of reflecting stories like the Famous Five, which I adored when I was small. It stars four very different children, who live on the same street in a small, very generic town in the UK. The book is about friendship, and mystery, and what happens when the most exciting parts of stories cross over into real life.

When that is released I'm going to turn my attention back to the Levels series. Each one of the existing four books will be relaunched, newly edited and with a new cover. There will be two more books, one that follows Song to Wake to, and one that follows 'Lullaby of Lies' and 'Reason to be Shy.' This last is the longest, most complicated story I've ever written and when I finish this post I'm going to get right back to it, editing for what feels like the twentieth time, in response to the genius comments of the brilliant Ruth Steven.

In the meantime, though, get ready to meet the irrepressible Digger Bongo and the bonkers Bongo family...

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